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Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Airtel 2017 Free Browsing Cheat Settings For Psiphon

Recently i dropped the Airtel Free Browsing Cheat Settings Using Airtel VPN App, but issues have been arising and many complaints have been coming up.

Complaints that the Airtel VPN stuff is not connecting. its not as if the thing isn't connecting but the problem is that there are too many people on the server. Remember not everyone can access the some servers especially for VPN applications such as the Airtel VPN simultaneously. Some users have to give way for others to connect.

 Psiphon Settings For Airtel

Well in this Article i have decided to review the Airtel settings and after proper working out. I discovered this settings and it is very stable too.

This settings is courtesy one of our consistent users here, you can follow our whatsapp group chat to see more of our active users/followers here.

Without much stories.

Working And Stable Airtel 2017 Free Browsing Cheat Settings For Psiphon

This Airtel cheat works with Psiphon


An Airtel sim with 0.00 balance and no data - this means that you must have no active data plan or credit on your Airtel line.

Strong 3G network - very important because with this, it would be hard for it to disconnect.

Your Android phone Airtel VPN

Use the default Airtel APN settings - you can click here to see the best Airtel APN Settings for any Airtel free browsing.


Follow the steps below to setup up this Airtel free browsing using Psiphon VPN.

1. Download Psiphon VPN Here 

2. After Downloading, Launch your Psiphon VPN and set it as follows:

Tick Remove Port ✅

Proxy type: No Proxy

Proxy Server:

Real Proxy Server Type: default

Real Proxy Server: leave it blank 

Real proxy Port: 80

Tap the Save button

See Image below:

 Psiphon Settings For Airtel

 Psiphon Settings For Airtel

3. Navigate to Options, Select Country/Region

In region, choose Singapore or Netherlands or Germany (highly recommended)

4. Tap on More Options and set it as follows:

Tick Connect through an HTTP

Tick Use the following settings

Host address:

Port: 8080

 Psiphon Settings For Airtel

Then go back and tap on Start; in few seconds it should connect.



  1. I recently subscribed to a data plan, can I still use this without my data plan being affected?
